I was thinking about this today, gender is like poetry or art. I had a woman approach me who's been listening to the podcast and said, “could you give a definition for femme?”, and my immediate response was no I cannot, nor would I ever try. The thing about gender is that you can't just stamp one label on it and say that's what it is, there's not some stamp definition. Those of you who are cisgender heterosexual people who have lived nothing but the binary may have trouble getting your head around that and I get that. Sometimes I look at a piece of art and I think what in the actual heck did anybody think painting that. Now somebody could come up right behind me and say wow what a beautiful rose garden. They see a rose garden, I see... I don't know what that is, but it's art. Gender is like that. You cannot tell another person what their gender is, you can't tell another person what their gender expression is. Everybody's is different and that's the beauty of it. So you know, one of my big hopes in doing this work is to help you realize that gender is fluid and it runs the gamut and that means that you have the freedom to express yourself and your gender any way you want.