The Real Reveal Interview: Debi Jackson


Meet Debi

In the past ten years, some of our most powerful allies in the queer community have been Moms. Their fierce mama bear stand for their children's happiness has created a forward momentum that I never would have expected. This week on The Gender Reveal Party podcast we interview my friend Debi Jackson. Debi started her journey as an activist by taking a stand for her child who came out to their family at the age of four. Since that time Debi Jackson has become a huge contribution to the queer/trans community as an activist and educator. This is a very informative interview and talk about #RealReveal, let's just say you heard it here first. I'm delighted to introduce you to my friend and fellow activist, Debi Jackson.

Who's next? 

Got a story about gender? Wanna be a guest interview on "The Gender Reveal Party"?

We're interested in telling all kinds of stories about gender expression or identity or stories about being a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest, click here to fill out a contact form.