The Real Reveal: Launch Special Edition

Meet Jay

That’s right, today’s #realreveal story is me, Jay Pryor, your host of The Gender Reveal Party: The Real Reveal Podcast. First of all, I want to thank you so much for those of you who are already loyal listeners. I am truly gobsmacked by the outpouring of positive feedback I’ve received in response to these stories. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you. I am so excited to not only have the opportunity to share the stories of my guests, but my stories too!

Have you heard of Patreon? It’s new to me, but I am super excited to have a place to focus on YOU and have conversations I am only willing to have with you, my patrons. I’ll be inviting my patron members to quarterly zoom calls with myself and a guest, as well as monthly zoom calls with me. I’m stoked on The Gender Reveal Party mugs that will be going out too!

I am also excited to share that The Gender Reveal Party has their first sponsor, Fire & Bliss! Fire & Bliss is building a community of like-minded supporters and artists with a shared passion for LGBTQ+ liberation and racial justice. Every single piece of art on has been created by a diverse, independent artist who maintains full control over their art and their profit. Shop my favorites in my curated collection at and use code “REVEAL” for 20% off your first purchase.

Thank you for being a party of The Gender Reveal Party Podcast. Thank you for listening. Please like & share everywhere. Hit that subscribe button & tell all your friends. Let’s get these stories out into the world.

Who's next? 

Got a story about gender? Wanna be a guest interview on "The Gender Reveal Party"?

We're interested in telling all kinds of stories about gender expression or identity or stories about being a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest, click here to fill out a contact form.