The Real Reveal Interview: Trystan Reese


Meet Trystan

Up until now every single person that you've met has been somebody who's a good friend of mine, and a lot of the other interviews are going to be good friends of mine. I'm so blessed, first of all to have a lot of friends. I'm a huge extrovert so I love people and I've been an out queer for 30 years, so I just know a lot of people that are out. So I'm very very blessed to have mostly my friends coming to talk to me. This person Trystan is a friend of mine but he's not somebody who I know very well, we are mostly acquaintances and colleagues.

I was introduced to Trystan by another trans guy because Trystan and I have a lot in common. We are both family humans, we are both people who love family and who have children and who are creating family, and I believe that that's how we met is we had another friend in common that knew that we were both parents of trans kids and/or kids in general and so we hooked up that way and just know each other as colleagues and another trans human out there making a huge difference.

Trystan actually is a consultant around race. He spends his time mostly helping white people deal with their fragility, helping white people have difficult conversations around race, and he has been an out trans human for a long time and the level of generosity that I want you to get of him coming on this show and sharing his story.

So every single person that comes on this show and shares their story is putting their life in danger. I mean, let's get real about this. For trans people to be out it's a thing, right. Some people think it's a political act. I've been out since I was 18 and I can't ever imagine not being out. And so for me it's just who I am and what I do. And there's a difference between being out and being OUT, right? And so I'm really out there and a lot of the people that I've interviewed have been really out there and Trystan's one of them, and I find that to be generous. I feel like that is a hugely generous act, that he is willing to come on here and share his story.

I want to honor Trystan, I want to thank Trystan for coming on and sharing his story and I'm excited for you to hear his story and to hopefully learn from this really cool human. Welcome, Trystan Reese.

You can follow Trystan on Instagram @biffandi and take a look at the work his organizations Trans Fertility Co. and Collaborate Consulting are doing. Don't forget to check out his recently published book How We Do Family as well.

Who's next? 

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