The Real Reveal Interview: Jesse Bohanon

Meet Jesse

Throughout my time as an out transgender human, it has not been uncommon for me to be contacted by a younger trans person who is starting to come out; they either want more information or just want to get connected to the trans community.  Usually, when this happens, especially if they’re pretty young, my first agenda is to get them connected to other people their age. There is something special about connecting with another person who has a shared experience. It is a connection that is hard to describe.  And as far as I’m concerned, it is the most important piece for a human being starting to explore their gender identity or exploring transition to connect with other people who’ve been through that or who are going through that now.

In the case of Jesse Bohanon, I got an email from him out of the blue saying that a professor at KU (I had spoken at their class) recommended he get in touch with me. We arranged to meet at the Kansas Union for a cup of coffee. I fully expected to meet this young human and connect them to some other trans people their age. Turns out that meeting was the beginning of a friendship. Hanging out with Jesse, even for just a short time, it was obvious that I was going to hold onto this one. He had already traveled the world. He was smart, funny and articulate. And most importantly, he was a huge KU basketball fan.

I got to witness Jesse make his transition, go through his name change and create himself as the trans man he is today--picking up the helm of educating and advocating for other transgender humans. I have said before, I have great faith in the younger generation, and it’s humans like Jesse who continue to give me that ray of hope. I’m sure you’ll love him as much as I do--introducing Jesse Bohanon.

Who's next? 

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